Tuesday 6 May 2014

Why Social Media is so important today.

Before you read the importance of Social media, it’s important to know what is social media and some interesting facts of Social media.

Some Cheeky facts about Social Media Sites   


Facebook :  Facebook is most popular among all social media websites , With glorious 10 yrs and 1.26 billion users, Facebook is most popular among all. It has 1.23 billion daily active users and the no is still increasing daily. Facebook is more popular in USA, Brazil and India.   

Google +: Second Largest Social Media Site is Google+ which is mandatory with every new Gmail account. With Google’s backing and more than 50% above in social network holds second position after Facebook which is at 70%.

YouTube:  Today YouTube is more popular than any other channel. Many companies, Movie releases their Trailers, Promos and Teasers on YouTube first than on T.V.  Today YouTube is more popular in USA, INDIA, CHINA, and BRAZIL.

LinkedIn:  Most Preferable Professional social networking site than any other site celebrating its 10th birthday on 5 May holds 200 million users. With every 2 users join LinkedIn in every second.  

Twitter:  This 7 year Old Social Media Site have 500 million users and is fastest growing social network in the world. Twitter is more popular in China than any other country and is more often used more on Mobile, I phones and I pads.

Now you can understand that what social media are, social networking sites are, we can go further how it is so important today. With Technological Advancement, Digitalization, Globalization world now come very close to each other than before. Social Media from its origin 5 yrs back becoming so important today that no one at that time could not realize its importance. With growing use of Internet in urban, sub- urban and rural regions , people’s reach increase towards Social Media Sites  - Facebook, Twitter , Google + has widened . Now people are more familiar with these sites than ever before.  Social Media is friends and family interaction but today most of the Business are using these social networking sites to gain popularity, profitability, awareness and partnership.  

Benefits of Social media Today

Increased traffic: Connecting with Social Networking sites increase traffic naturally if you have some interesting in it. Today Social Networking Sites plays important role in increasing traffic.
Developed loyal fans: If you are good at what you do than it is the best way to develop Fans naturally by just sharing your work on social networking sites. 

Generated leads:  As you develop fans naturally than you can generate leads naturally too. If people admire you on social networks than they also believe in you and your work and naturally buy your products if you are selling. 

Improved search ranking: As people start knowing your work than they directly search you with your name, or directly go to your website if any, or search your brand naturally. 

Grew business partnerships: As you grew your audience on social networks than naturally you can find your partners online or your partners find you on social networks. It is very good to work online rather than working or finding business partners offline. 

These are some benefits of using Social networking sites , Social Media but the question arises that How you do social media activities to your website, Will you hire a SMO Services Provider or do it at your own. Option is your own but if you went for SocialMedia Optimization Company then they will work according Social Media Optimization latest trends and if you do by your own then you have study the basic of SMO Strategies. I suggest you to start your SMO activities today if you are running your business online.  


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