Tuesday 1 July 2014

Facts you should know about Social networking sites on World Social Media Day 2014

With ever increasing importance of Social Media Platforms and Social Networking sites among peoples it's importance has increased many folds from the time it had started. here are some interesting facts and figures about top social media platforms you should know on World Social Media Day 2014

Social Media Marketing Statistics 2014: 

52 times average increase in reach when social posts are syndicated by your channel partners
87% of all small businesses say social media helps their business
85% of the business decision makers said at least one social media channel is very important when making business technology purchase decision.
77% of fortune global 100 companies have a twitter account.
34% of high tech companies have reduced their traditional advertising budget to fund digital marketing activities.
74% of brand marketers saw an increase in website traffic after investing just 6 hours per week in social media
40% of small business feel that social media is amplifying word of mouth referrals


Companies that generate more than 1,000 Facebook likes also receive nearly 1,400 website visits a day.
52% of marketers have gained customer via Facebook. 23% of users check their accounts 5 times or more every day.
80% of users prefer to connect with brands on Facebook.
75% of marketers say Facebook is critically important for their business.
Total number of Facebook pages-54,200,000
Total 2013 Facebook revenue-$6,150,000,000

Google plus 

Currently 350 million daily active users
500 million uses in total
Second largest social media platform after Facebook
Approximately 625,000 Join as new google+ users every day
48% of Fortune Global 100 companies are now on Google+
10 million users just in two weeks after launch
Users of Google+ are ranked higher in search engine than any other social media


Total number of active registered Twitter users-645,750,000
Number of new Twitter users signing up everyday-135,000
Number of unique Twitter site visitors every month-190 million
Number of Twitter search engine queries every day-2.1 billion
Twitter Annual Advertising Revenue- 2013- $405,500,000


Every second, two new members join LinkedIn.
Total number of LinkedIn users: 277 million
Number of monthly unique visitors to LinkedIn 187 million
Total number of LinkedIn endorsements I billion

If you know some more facts do share with us. Thanks for reading the article on Social Media latest Trends.
Also read Social Media Trends 2014 


  1. Thanks for sharing! That's some very powerful info.

    1. Hi Chris
      This information is ever changing ...this info is upto Jan 2014

  2. As we know people are more active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Ana Riascos & Ana Riascos Pinterest, and others. Using social media to market your content and brand increases brand awareness and website traffic. Posting updates on social media go viral within seconds. Also, responding to complaints, requests, and praise becomes easier.
